Preparing For Camp (2024)

A few notes that may help you and your camper have an amazing week! 

  • Complete your child’s health history. This is easily done online. We cannot have your child in camp without this updated document.

  • Please complete the Letter to My Leader and the Letter to My Child’s Leader.  These are shared with the staff working with your child.

  • Pack together. This is suggested if your camper is not old enough to do it alone. This way your camper will know what is there and where it's packed. It also helps to label everything!  You can find the packing list HERE.

  • Make mail easier. Pre-addressing and stamping envelopes or postcards significantly increases the chance of receiving a letter from your child during camp! 

  • Let your camper know what to expect. Not just the fun and games, but also the new relationships, a new appreciation of God and creation, and unique opportunities to learn and grow. It can be very significant if you let your child know that you trust them to be “on their own” at camp for a week, and are excited to hear about all they've learned and how they've grown when they return home! 

  • Avoid anxiety. Emphasize the positive and pray with your camper. Our staff are well trained and prepared to make sure this is an awesome week for your camper. 

  • Tell your friends.   Sound View offers an amazing summer program.  Share what we do with the hashtag: #soundviewcamp.

If Plans Should Change 

  • If you discover you will be late, or have a change of plans, please text 253-884-9202. We aren't always able to answer phones during pickup and drop-off, but we'll be checking messages. 

  • If Sound View has a reason to change the pick-up or drop-off time for any reason, we will call primary contacts first, followed by emergency contacts. We will supervise your camper until you can arrange to pick them up. 

Onsite Arrival 

  • Arrival time is 4:00 PM.  PLEASE, give the staff time to get ready.  Early arrivals cannot always be accommodated.

  • Pick-Up time is 10:00 AM.  Campers will be packed by 8:00 AM.  

  • Sound View‛s speed limit is 10 mph. 

  • Continue on the main camp road until you see all the cars, people, and activity. 

  • Please park in designated areas.  Staff will direct you.

  • Staff will contact you if you are late or a “no show”.

During Camp 

  • Pray for your camper! Pray for health, safety, and a lack of homesickness, but also for the counselors, staff, and other campers. 

  • Write to your camper! Be sure to keep the focus off how much they are missed and all they are missing out on at home. Simple “I love you” messages are great! 

  • Send your camper a message USING THIS LINK.  We will print out messages and deliver them during lunch.  PLEASE - keep messages positive and do not use trigger phrases (wish you were home, pets miss you, etc) that may lead to homesickness.

  • Visits and Calls. We generally discourage midweek visits and phone conversations with campers. Your camper is here to have a great time, and distractions like these can actually increase homesickness. If you have concerns, you can always call the camp office at 253-884-9202. 

  • Homesickness. Homesickness is expected, and our staff is trained to respond with compassion. If your camper is having an unusually hard time, our first goal will be to assist your camper so that they can continue to have a great week. In extreme cases, we will call you for guidance. 

  • Injuries:  The staff will notify parents by phone of any injuries or illness which takes a camper “out of the action” for more than a few hours and, of course, for any illness or injury requiring outside medical attention.

  • Visitors. For the safety of our campers the staff is trained to be assertive in dealing with unexpected visitors. Please call ahead to avoid problems. If you do arrive unexpectedly, understand that staff are acting in your best interest and may feel the need to act firmly! 

After Camp 

  • Promptness. Please be on-time for pickup to avoid that “forgotten” feeling! If you‛re a little early, allowing your camper to finish breakfast and good-byes is appreciated! 

  • Checking Out. Please visit your camper's counselor, camp nurse, and camp director before taking them home. They need to know that each camper is going home with the right person. 

  • License. The camp director will ask for your license or other photo ID. This is a safety measure to ensure that everyone is going to the right place with the right person. 

  • This has been an exciting week, your child will probably be tired! 

  • Stories. Your camper will want to share their week with you. Encourage this and enjoy the stories! Listen and ask questions! 

  • Parent Evaluation. After your camper's session is over, you will receive an email with an evaluation. Please fill this out! Be honest! We need to know how we did, and will use this information to improve our summer program. If you have pressing or specific concerns, please contact us directly. 

For more information, please visit www.soundviewcamp.comor call the office at 253-884-9202