ROVERS are those going into 11th or 12th grade and help out as volunteers for any of the summer sessions. Although volunteers, they have real responsibilities assisting with all programs and occasionally taking on the role of cabin leader. Rovers gain a lot of experience and most move on to paid positions in future years. Rovers holding a valid life-guarding certification will be paid a stipend.

As a Rover …

  • You will lead activities

  • You may step in to supervise a cabin in the event that the leader is dealing with other issues.

  • You will help plan and run all-camp evening programs.

  • You may help out in the kitchen - serving up the meal and washing dishes.

  • You will be respected and treated as a staff member as long as you are acting as a mature leader and role model. If your behavior is immature, disruptive, or ineffective, you will be sent home.

  • You will get to know a lot about how Sound View operates and plenty of logged volunteer hours for any high school requirements.

  • If you are a rover AND a certified lifeguard, you will be paid for your summer weeks.

Training …

  • Rovers DO NOT attend summer staff training week.

  • Instead, all rovers are required to work at least one spring weekend to gain necessary skills that they will need for their summer sessions.

  • The spring weekends present many opportunities for rovers to shine - working primarily with family campers and running activities. Rover enthusiasm, creativity, and attitude will be observed.

  • A typical training weekend will include archery, waterfront, giant swing, running the store, greeting guests, serving meals, washing dishes, playing with kids, and building campfires.

  • Rovers will receive their food handlers card (if they don’t have one already) and Sound View will pay the fee.

  • A $50 stipend will be paid to the rover for the training weekend. Rovers are expected to arrive Friday - before 8:00 PM and leave on Sunday - 1:00. (Or Memorial Day Monday). If the rover is not 16 yet for the training weekend, then the stipend will be paid when they turn 16.

  • Rovers will respect their lodging space, leaving it clean upon departure.