The Spring Lineup


You don't have to wait for summer to enjoy fun, learning, and fellowship at Camp Sound View! Here is our Spring lineup:

MARCH 17 - MUD RUN Come get filthy running our soggy trails and overcoming challenges and obstacles. Guaranteed laughs and you will be helping to send kids to summer camp.

APRIL 1 - EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE Worship (weather permitting) on the waterfront and a pancake breakfast in the dining hall.

APRIL 18-20 - OEE CAMP For kids (10-14) who may have that week off from school. Totally affordable! Come check out our outdoor environmental education curriculum.

MAY 11-12 - MOM & ME CAMP This is Mothers' Day Weekend so this one-night campout for moms and kids to spend some awesome time together ends Saturday afternoon.

MAY 18-20 - SPRING RETREAT Our annual spring retreat for middle- and high schoolers. Come learn, worship, meet new friends, have fun, and plant pumpkins so we have them for the fall retreat.

MAY 25-28 - MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND FAMILY CAMP. Come for all, or part of the weekend and help us get all of the summer "stuff" out and tested.