A New Crop of Driftwood


Driftwood fascinates me.


We get a new crop of it into Sound View almost daily - especially when the tides are particularly high. If the piece of driftwood is small enough, I drag it off right away to another part of our waterfront where it won’t be in the way. If the driftwood is dangerous-looking - with nails and rusty fittings, I bring it ashore to be disposed of. Sometimes, if the driftwood is huge, I wait for a really high tide to send it on its merry way.

I am ever the storyteller and I guess that each hunk of driftwood has a story to tell. Perhaps a story of a gale and the longing of a tree limb to see new sights. Maybe a giant wave carrying away something foolishly left unsecured. Or could a sailor have attempted in vain to grasp what fell overboard? Sadly, the driftwood is silent about its tale so I can only create a new, and surely a more fantastic story.

Water, the universal solvent is bound to change what it soaks, Add in salt, wind, plankton, and whatnot and you end up with driftwood.