Introducing ... Satur-DAY-Camps beginning in April

Day camp, for kids, ages 6 to 12

Every kid deserve to be outdoors when spring finally comes. Starting April 2, Camp Sound View will offer a day camp each Saturday so everyone can enjoy some great adventures outside with friends, old and new. Every Satur-DAY-Camp will feature…

  • Games and a “sport of the day”,

  • Arts and Crafts,

  • Canoeing and Corcling (little round boats) if the weather cooperates,

  • Time on the farm and helping out in the camp garden,

  • The giant swing,

  • Environmental education (We love learning about nature at Sound View!),

  • Campcraft and living history,

  • A nutritious lunch

What does this mean for kids?

  • Camp is still the best place to stay active and safe - even at the tail end of a pandemic,

  • Day camp is a wonderful way for kids to try out camp adventures. Perhaps, a way to see how they would like overnight camp this summer.

  • Boredom is not an option! There is so much to do at Sound View under watchful eyes of a trained, caring staff.

What does this mean for parents?

  • For families that live on the Key Peninsula …. how about a free day to do things while your kids are treated to a health, active program?

  • For families camping with us in the spring … seven worry-free hours to do your own thing or to explore the Key Peninsula.

What does it cost?

  • $35 per day, per child. Includes lunch!

How do I register?