Rebooting Spring Break Camp for Youth and Families

When we introduced our new Outdoor Environmental Education (OEE) program in 2018, we wanted to make sure that kids whose schools did not provide this valuable experience has a chance to learn in our program. So, we offered the same adventure during the weeks of spring break. Not only did the participants benefit, but the Sound View spring staff gained some great “kid experience” to prepare them for the busier months of OEE.

Because we were safely able to run summer camp in 2021, we feel that we can once again offer two Spring Break camps using what we learned to prevent COVID exposure. This includes requiring proof of vaccination, testing, and establishing sleeping and program cohorts early. With spring break camps being a mostly outdoor experience, this is easy.

Because our family campground is in place, we also can offer the ability for some spring breakers to participate while lodging with their families that book Shire cabins over spring break. All can enjoy great food in the dining hall and shared evening programs.

Sadly, we know that schools may not be offering OEE trips for their students this year for various reasons - all related to the ongoing pandemic. However, we are fortunate to be able to reboot our own successful program to fill the void.