Why the Earlier Summer?

For 2023, we have scheduled the three sessions of overnight camp to begin earlier than they did in 2021 & 2022. Here are the reasons why …

  1. In 2021, we chose a late-July starting date due to the pandemic. In 2022, because of the same uncertainty, we merely followed suit.

  2. It is best for us to bring in the staff early to give them as many weeks of employment as possible and to be competitive with other camps.

  3. With summers getting hotter, with the usual campfire bans due to dry weather, as well as the certainty of wildfires upwind of us, August can be a challenging time overnight sessions.

We are certainly looking forward to three full weeks of camp with an enthusiastic staff fresh out of a week of training and ready-to-go. Please sign your camper up soon to take advantage of the early-bird discount.