Let There Be Compost

Introducingā€¦. drum roll please! šŸ„

Our newest addition to camp, a two bin compost system!

For anyone who may be unfamiliar with what compost is / does, composting is the process of turning organic materials into a nutrient-rich soil or mulch through decomposition. It's a natural process that can be sped up by creating an environment that's ideal for decomposing organisms

During OEE, we at Sound View Camp educate students on the importance of only putting on your plate what you think you can finish. However, weā€™ve all been guilty with ā€œeating with our eyesā€ so to speak.

Collecting compost at our meals will benefit camp by giving us material to create rich soil from our own camp meals to use in our garden, so we can begin growing fresh fruit and vegetables for more delicious dishes. We canā€™t wait to share!