Rebooting Spring Break Camp for Youth and Families

When we introduced our new Outdoor Environmental Education (OEE) program in 2018, we wanted to make sure that kids whose schools did not provide this valuable experience has a chance to learn in our program. So, we offered the same adventure during the weeks of spring break. Not only did the participants benefit, but the Sound View spring staff gained some great “kid experience” to prepare them for the busier months of OEE.

Because we were safely able to run summer camp in 2021, we feel that we can once again offer two Spring Break camps using what we learned to prevent COVID exposure. This includes requiring proof of vaccination, testing, and establishing sleeping and program cohorts early. With spring break camps being a mostly outdoor experience, this is easy.

Because our family campground is in place, we also can offer the ability for some spring breakers to participate while lodging with their families that book Shire cabins over spring break. All can enjoy great food in the dining hall and shared evening programs.

Sadly, we know that schools may not be offering OEE trips for their students this year for various reasons - all related to the ongoing pandemic. However, we are fortunate to be able to reboot our own successful program to fill the void.

Sea Lions Set the Tone

On spring days, it is fun to canoe out to the #2 buoy to see these critters.

Have you ever taken a walk through the forest while listening to the bark of the sea lions echo through the trees ? Oh what an experience it is. Reserve your visit now so you can make some memories.

Sea Stars don't eat S'mores

These are some really 'fluffy' Sound View Starfish. We keep telling Kurt to stop making them s'mores!! All jokes aside, Sound View strives to protect our beaches and wildlife for all to enjoy. No, we don't really feed s'mores to our starfish.... But if you'd like to help support the feedings of goats, llama, sheep, chickens and kitties we would love that!


Happiness is Smelling Like a Campfire

Don't you just LOVE a rip-roaring fire !! This is just ONE of the great things to do at Camp. Sending campers home smelling like a campfire... that's the BEST!!
Register your camper now so you know you'll get a spot. If you'd like to help send a kid to Camp, please donate now.

High Ropes Course Upgrades

Our course is still uses natural trees (Douglas Firs) which thankfully are healthy and strong. In 2020, regulations changed which caused some of the hardware (high up in the trees) to expire and thus needs replacing. At the same time, we hope to take advantage of new technology to improve the course. These changes will make the challenge course more accessible and easier to run with our small staff team. Estimate: $20,000

WSCC Press Release


PRESS RELEASE - Washington State

March 23, 2021

Governor Inslee has released guidance Phase 3 Guidance Page 6 secured with the assistance of The Washington State Camp Coalition (WSCC) that allows overnight summer camp to operate safely this summer. The WSCC was founded by co-chairs Raina Baker, Executive Director of Camp Beausite Northwest, and Zach Duitch, Executive Director of Camp Solomon Schechter. Together, they created the WSCC Leadership Alliance made up of 11 camp professionals representing all different types of camps across the state that would be able to guide the coalition in working with the state to lift the mandate on residential camps.

“We’re so appreciative that Governor Inslee and the Department of Health embraced our science-driven approach to address the safety of our campers as we collaborated with the State and put forward a blueprint to return to overnight camping in Washington,” said Duitch. “We brought a team of experts, including David Shore of Environmental Health & Engineering, Michelle Branconier of the American Camp Association, to help us formulate a plan that works for Washington and complies with CDC standards.” Thanks also to Max Patashnik and Nancy Sapiro of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and Andy Kaplowitz of Tikkun Olam Consulting for their assistance on strategy and advocacy during the process. Thank you, as well, to the members of the WSCC Leadership Alliance for their dedication to the cause and beyond: Bill Beaumont with Boy Scouts of America; Carrie Lawson with Camp Fire Camp Sealth; David Affolter with YMCA Camp Orkila; Becky Felak with The Goodtimes Project; Kyle McPherson with YMCA Camp Dudley; Paul Sheridan with Fourwinds; Rick Taylor with Camp Fire Camp Sealth; Sheila Talmon with Camp Nor’wester; Terry Andrew with Silver Lake Bible Camp; and Tim McElravy with Lake Wenatchee YMCA.

About the Washington State Camp Coalition

Founded in the fall of 2020 by Duitch and Baker, the WSCC is the collective voice of Washington State resident camps that are advocating at the state level for the camp industry.

The Washington State Camp Coalition has three main intentions:

1. Connect and engage the resident camps of Washington for our common purpose of providing the best in youth development and experiential community opportunities.

2. Advocate at the state level to ensure support of resident camps through the COVID pandemic, as well as to assure a sustaining viability of our industry.

3. Educate the citizens of the state on the efficacy and key drivers of the camp experience as a contributing component of social and emotional development.

WSCC has over 70 camps representing the 145 overnight camps that serve over 400,000 children from communities across the state along with campers from around the world. Collectively, the overnight camp industry contributes almost $156 million annually to Washington’s economy.

For more information about the WSCC, contact Zach Duitch, at or (425) 375-4059 or Raina Baker at or (760) 271-3761.

Guidance for 2021


Phases 1 and 2:

Regular operation with individual campers not permitted. Operations limited to:

  • Household cohort group camping where members of a single household occupy a sleeping cabin with a maximum of 10 people per household group. All members of a household group must reside at the same address.

  • All meals are eaten outdoors or provided as take out to be consumed in the household cabin.

  • All organized activities are outdoors and must follow the same guidelines as established for summer day camps.

Phase 3:

1. All camps are required to have COVID Safety Plans, detailing measures specific to the facilities that they operate in, including which onsite staff have medical training, measures that will be taken in the event of a positive case, circumstances that will require medical assistance, and what to do in the event of an outbreak. COVID Safety Plans need to be publicly available for review by campers and their families and local health jurisdictions.


The complete COVID Safety Plan will be published and shared with camper families, groups, and guests by June 15. This will be done with input from this guidance - as well as from health department official, staff, board, and local medical professionals.

2. All campers and staff must do one of the following before arriving at camp:

(1) be fully vaccinated, (OR 2) receive a negative COVID test no more than three days prior to arrival and remain in quarantine between the test and start of camp. Public health recommends conducting a rapid antigen test of all campers and staff upon arrival if resources permit. Check with local public health to determine if such resources exist. Details on quarantining can be found at the Department of Health’s website.

Anyone unable to meet one of these two conditions is not allowed to participate in camp. For the purposes of this guidance, people are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 ≥2 weeks after they have received the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or ≥2 weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine (Johnson and Johnson (J&J)/Janssen ). Verification of vaccination or test results is required.


It is anticipated that the vaccination rollout for Washington State will ensure that any person, over age 18, will be fully vaccinated by the beginning of staff training (July 19). Those vaccinated will have their records put on file. As there is yet no approved vaccination for minors, campers and volunteer rovers will be required to show proof of a negative test and an affidavit of quarantine upon check-in.

Feasibility for a rapid antigen test will be explored. Time and County resources may make these available and reasonable.

3. Camps are responsible for locating free COVID testing opportunities for campers who may not otherwise have access.


Vaccination and testing sites are still very much fluid. It is predicted that once the initial rush for vaccinations for adults is over, there will be a more standard way to test youth. A list of these resources will be shared with registered campers a month prior to the session.

4. Out-of-state campers should follow CDC travel guidance.


Sound View has very few (if any) out-of-state campers. We do, however, have out-of-state staff members and international volunteers. CDC travel guidance will be followed for all staff/ AIESEC (international) volunteers have strict travel/safety requirements before entering the United States.

5. For overnight camps with multiple sessions of campers per season there must be no overlap of arrivals and departures where mixing of groups/cohorts would occur. Check-in procedures should be structured to minimize interactions between campers, families and others before establishing sleeping cohorts. These should be communicated in advance.


There is 28 hours between camp sessions. During that time, lodges and common overnight camp spaces are entirely cleaned and prepared for the next group of campers. Fortunately, Sound View has a small camper population and plenty of outdoor spaces to facilitate a smooth, socially distanced check-in/check-out. Family members will have to be satisfied with NOT going into living spaces as we strive to establish cohorts.

6. Camps must not exceed 400 per session individuals including campers, volunteers, and staff. A camp can split up into multiple sub camps of 400 per session or less as long as the sub camps remain completely separate, never mixing camps for eating, sleeping, or any other activities.


Overnight Camp

  • 52 Campers (20 in Calvinwood, 16 in Fircrest, 16 in Lakewood)

  • 8 Counselors

  • 8 Rovers (teen volunteers)

  • 1 Nurse

  • 1 Program Director

Day Camp

  • 20 Campers (usually children of campground guests)

  • 2 Counselors

  • 2 Rovers

  • No sleeping cohorts

Family Campground

  • 6 RV Sites

  • 9 Tiny Cabins

  • 4 Tent-Cabins

  • 4 Platform Tents

  • 11 Tent Sites

  • Capacity 140

7. Camp capacity should be determined by sleeping arrangements, as this is the only extended indoor activity. All campers must have at least 6 feet physical distance from other camper’s heads in sleep facilities, such as beds, bunks, cots or tent sleeping areas. Bedding should be arranged head-to-toe. The addition of partitions between beds is not an acceptable substitute for 6 feet of physical distance between head and toe.


Calvinwood Lodge

  • consists of 4 rooms - each with a window and separate bathroom that each sleep six in three bunkbeds.

  • each room will be considered a cohort and will comprise of 5 campers and 1 counselor.

  • residents will easily be separated by six feet or over.

  • Calvinwood’s hallway, common room, and kitchen will require masks

Fircrest (Longhouse)

  • consists of a bunkroom for 16 in 8 bunkbeds and a counselor’s room with two beds

  • bathrooms are located inside

  • two cabin groups will lodge in Fircrest but can be considered one cohort

  • residents will easily be separated by six feet or over.

Lakewood (Longhouse)

  • consists of a bunkroom for 16 in 8 bunkbeds and a counselor’s room with two beds

  • bathrooms are located inside

  • two cabin groups will lodge in Lakewood but can be considered one cohort

  • residents will easily be separated by six feet or over.

8. Each sleeping group occupying a cabin, room, or tent shall be considered a cohort of no more than 16 campers.


As outlined in #7, no sleeping cohort will comprise of over 16 campers. In addition, to embrace a positive outdoor experience, each cabin group will “camp out:” every other night either in pup tents on Trillium Trail or Cardai Hill, or in an unused platform tent. This nomadic existence complements the summer’s theme.

9. Sleeping cohorts of no more than 16 (if space permits) can be combined to create consistent daytime activity cohorts of no greater than 16 campers. Cohorts should remain consistent for both daytime activities and sleeping in bunks/cabins/campsites together.


This is the only guidance that has a significant effect on the overnight camp program. Daytime activities usually consist of two skill activities which the campers sign up for and participate in all week and one free choice activity (camper’s choice) which mixes campers up daily. To meet this guidance, we will replace camper’s choice with a third skill activity. The Friday beach party will also have to be done differently, keeping cabin groups together.

10. Facial coverings are required to be worn at all times by all staff and campers, and anyone else present at the camp, except for when eating, drinking, brushing teeth, or sleeping. Exceptions allowed for specific outdoor activities in guidelines such as sporting activities, outdoor recreation and water recreation.


We have been wearing facial coverings for guest interaction at Sound View since May, 2020 when we were permitted to reopen for day trips. It is assumed that kids and adults are used to this by now. Our staff will work on a system to guarantee clean masks are available daily.

11. Camps must follow guidelines such as sporting activities, performing arts, outdoor recreation and water recreation when campers engage in these activities. No large activities that include multiple 16 camper cohorts or entire camps are allowed indoors. Sedentary outdoor activities e.g., campfires, talent shows, etc. must provide a minimum of 6 feet of social distance between “sleeping groups.”


Skill Activities (12 to 15 campers)

  • Sport of the Day - occurs in the open Activity Shelter or on the playfield,

  • High Ropes - outside and in the woods

  • Music - Dining Hall (in a pinch) but more often on the dining hall porch

  • H2Awesome - offered outside at the waterfront

  • Drama - at the outdoor stage

  • MakerSpace - outside, clustered around the shop

Cabin Activities (5 to 8 campers)

  • Archery/Darts (outside)

  • Low Ropes Hike (outside)

  • Peace Canoes (outside)

  • Arts and Crafts (outside)

  • Farm (outside)

  • Pizza Oven (2 cabins at a time - outside and in a open shelter)

  • Beachcombing (outside)

  • Bikes (outside)

  • Service Projects (outside)

  • GaGa Ball (outside)

  • Sports and Games (outside)

  • Cabin Campfires (outside)

All Camp Activities (52 campers)

  • Campfires occur at beach or the outside stage. Sleeping cohorts are separated.

  • Skit Nights and Talent Shows occur at the outside stage. Sleeping cohorts (audience) are separated. Acts are done by cabin group or by individuals.

  • Friday’s Show and Tell involve skill activity groups. Done outside at the stage.

  • Classic camp games will need to be restructured to prevent the mixing of cohort groups.

12. All programmed activities are required to occur in outdoor or open-air settings and campers should remain with consistent cohorts. Requirements for open air settings can be found here.


Aside from sleeping, changing, and bathroom areas, all activities are based outside. Sound View Camp possesses enough covered porches and open-air shelters to handle rainy day situations for our small camp population.

13. It is strongly recommended that all eating occur outdoors. A minimum 6-foot distance is required between cohorts. No sharing of items. Camps must utilize staggered scheduled times for meals and avoid buffet lines and prepare boxed style food and snacks if possible. If indoor eating is necessary due to poor weather indoor eating facilities are limited to 50% capacity with minimum 6 feet distancing required between cohorts and maximized ventilation with all windows and doors open is required.


  • The camp dining hall has an eating capacity of 140. For the summer, there will be seating for 40 with 4 round tables set apart from each other. Several tables will be set up outside on the covered porch, outdoor stage, dining hall lawn, and arts & crafts deck. All will be encouraged to eat outside.

  • The kitchen has been reconfigured to serve all meals cafeteria style. There will be no buffets or salad bars. Campers will be required to fill personal water bottles in the dining hall as drinking cups will not be an option. Cabin leaders can run camper water bottles through the diswasher/sanitizer daily.

  • Breakfast and Dinner will be “sit down” meals consumed outside. Lunches will always be pack-out to encourage quality cabin group time.

  • Campground guests can also purchase meals which will be served either on plates to be consumed near the dining hall or in “to-go” containers to be brought back to their sites.

  • Masks are required while picking up food from the kitchen windows.

14. Frequent cleaning recommended for high-use, high touch areas such as bathroom and sleeping facilities.


  • Summer campers use the bathrooms in Calvinwood, the Longhouse (Fircrest & Lakewood) as well as portable toilets placed near outpost camp sites. Family campground guests and day campers use the Shire Shower House, Narnia (tent village) shower house, and various portable toilets placed near tent and RV sites. Al campers use the portables placed at the waterfront. A frequent bathroom cleaning routine is established by the site manager based on the number of guests on site. Family campers are good at pitching in to make sure that bathrooms remain clean. Overnight campers require staff guidance and daily inspections from the camp nurse, director, or program director.

  • Cabin leaders will implement a safe cleaning routine for high touch areas as well as a reward system for vigilance.

15. Hand sanitizer and handwashing stations must be available to all campers.


Handwashing and/or hand sanitizer is set up at:

  • Each shower house

  • All portable toilets

  • All activity areas (when open)

  • Dining Hall

16. For ventilation, camps should follow DOH ventilation guidance for common spaces, small group/residential spaces, bathrooms, etc.


  • For our campground guests staying in a cabin - each building sits, aired out, at least 24 hours between guests.

  • In 2020 we got into the habit of keeping shower house and portable toilet doors propped open. People got used to the bugs. For 2021, we will continue to do the same.

  • The dining hall windows (there are lots of them) will remain open

  • Calvinwood’s windows will remain open (including the ones in the bathrooms)

  • Fircrest and Lakewood will keep the upper windows open and each of the two entryways will be fitted with screen doors to keep the fresh air flowing.

17. For transportation to and from camp: Encourage only those in the same household to travel together, and if not in the same household, travel in separate vehicles if possible. For travel groups, (groups that include more than one household in the same vehicle whether in a carpool or on a bus) all members of the travel group, including the driver, must wear a face covering and spread out as much as possible within the vehicle. Encourage family members to sit together. Maximize ventilation in the vehicle by opening windows.


These excellent suggestions will be communicated to camper families prior to the start of the session.

18. For bus or shuttle to or from camp or transportation within camp sessions for activities camps must use K-12 Bus Transportation guidance on page 12 of this document.


There will be no bus, or shuttle organized by Sound View for the summer of 2021.

19. Daily symptom screenings are required for campers and staff. Refer to K-12 Schools guidance for details.


The camp nurse will screen each cabin group daily, at staggered times, asking these questions to each camper and staff member:

  • Do you have any of the following symptoms within the past day that are not caused by another condition?

    • Fever (100.4) or chills

    • Cough

    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    • Fatigue

    • Muscle or body aches

    • Headache

    • Recent loss of taste or smell

    • Sore throat

    • Congestion or runny nose

    • Nausea or vomiting

    • Diarrhea

20. No visitors to camp allowed. Parents or guardians are allowed to enter camp only in the case of medical emergencies or when needed to bring home a camper early.


This is usually the practice - even when there is not a pandemic.

21. For overnight camps, counselors and staff are not permitted to leave camp on days or nights off while camp is in session. If staff leave in between sessions, they must either be vaccinated or test on their return. Unvaccinated counselors and staff are not permitted to leave camp on days or nights off. Vaccinated staff may leave the camp on time off as long as camps make them aware of the best practices they can independently follow to mitigate spread during time they spend off camp property.


Because we only offer one-week sessions, all time off occurs between sessions. Camp Counselors do not receive nights off as they are required to remain with and sleep in their cabins. Most of their time off occurs during the day. We sincerely hope that all staff will be vaccinated by the time camp has its first session in late-July.

22. Extended off-site trips, e.g., backpacking, canoeing, should ensure the same safety protocols are followed as when at camp facility. Vendors who are assisting with these trips must agree to follow all existing protocols.


Sound View Camp will not be running off-site trips (Expedition) for the summer of 2021.

Safety and Health Requirements for all Outdoor Recreation

Stay home when sick or if a close contact of someone with COVID-19

Staff and participants should be required to stay home if they feel unwell, show any signs of COVID-19, or are a close contact of a confirmed case. Screening should consider symptoms listed by the CDC. Any person with symptoms of COVID-19 or who is a close contact of someone with confirmed COVID-19 should not be allowed to participate and should contact his or her primary care provider or other appropriate health-care professional.


Masks required for staff and participants at all times.

Physical Distance

A minimum of 6 feet of physical distance must be maintained between staff and clients at all times where possible. This distance should be increased when clients are engaged in high-intensity aerobic activities. A minimum of six feet of distance must be maintained among participants when not engaged in fitness and training activities.


Staff and participants to practice good hygiene including washing their hands frequently and covering their sneezes and coughs. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after practice, especially after touching shared objects or blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains 60-95% alcohol content. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they are dry.

Provide handwashing or hand sanitizing stations at training and contest locations.

Limit the use of locker rooms to handwashing and restroom use only. Showers should not be used due to potential spread of aerosolized droplets. If use of locker rooms for changing is necessary, maximize ventilation and use tape, spots, or cones to signal 6 feet of distance for participants who need to change. If locker rooms are used cleaning protocols must be included in the facility safety plan. Limit occupancy of the locker rooms to avoid crowding.


Clean high touch surfaces and disinfect shared equipment before and after each use. Ensure restrooms are cleaned and disinfected regularly. Current CDC guidance for cleaning and disinfection for COVID-19 states that disinfectants should be registered by the EPA for use against the COVID-19. Find the current list here: List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Disinfectants based on hydrogen peroxide or alcohol are safer than harsher chemicals. The University of Washington has a handout with options for safer cleaning and disinfecting products that work well against COVID-19.


Ventilation is important to have good indoor air quality. Ensure that ventilation systems operate properly. Increase air circulation and ventilation as much as possible by opening windows and doors. Offer more outside time, open windows often and adjust mechanical ventilation systems to bring in as much outside air as possible. Increase filters to MERV 13 if the HVAC can accommodate. Use of fans for cooling is acceptable. In indoor spaces, fans should only be used when windows or doors are open to the outdoors in order to circulate indoor and outdoor air. They should blow away from people.

Outdoors locations are preferred to indoors locations, and should be utilized to the greatest extent possible to allow for maximum fresh air circulation and social distancing. Outdoor temporary structures may be used. Outdoor structures, in order to be considered outdoors, should have no more than two walls to provide appropriate ventilation unless they meet this ventilation requirement; Structures can have three walls if another opening exists that is large enough to create cross ventilation.


Limit exposure to those outside the household unit during travel. Encourage only those in the same household to travel together, and if not in the same household, travel in separate vehicles if possible.

For travel groups, (groups that include more than one household in the same vehicle whether in a carpool or on a bus) all members of the travel group, including the driver, must wear a face covering and spread out as much as possible within the vehicle. Limit travel groups to those who have been in regular contact (e.g. team members). Encourage family members to sit together. Maximize ventilation in the vehicle by opening windows.

Buses and shuttles should install safety barriers (such as plexiglass shields) between the driver and passengers or close (block off/leave empty) the seats nearest the driver to ensure 6 feet of distance between the driver and passengers. Passengers should board from the rear door when possible. Buses should improve air filtration where possible. Buses should be cleaned and disinfected daily after use with attention to frequently touched services (doors, rails, seat backs).

Records and Contact Tracing

Keep contact information for staff and participants to assist with contact tracing in the event of a possible exposure. Contact information must be kept on file for 28 days after each class or use of the facilities.


Employers must specifically ensure operations follow the main Labor & Industries COVID-19 requirements to protect workers. COVID-19 workplace and safety requirements can be found here.

AmeriCorps (NCCC) will be at Sound View this Winter


I am excited that an AmeriCorps NCCC team will be onsite this winter for six weeks. Earlier teams have redefined our trails, helped start our fledgling outdoor environmental education program, built the garden, developed signage, eradicated blackberries, and assisted with numerous other projects. AmeriCorps NCCC is a pretty remarkable program for young people who want to perform service and are willing to get dirty with hands-on projects.

This time around, the NCCC team will be undertaking some much needed projects that will enhance Sound View’s program while addressing some environmental requests from the Nisqually Land Trust.

  1. RELOCATING THE ARCHERY RANGE. The present range sits in a low, moist area with old growth hardwoods most likely functioning as habitat for much wildlife. The team will be moving the range to a dryer area and building the necessary safety barriers in the process. It is possible that we can repurpose the old area to something more seasonal/temporary - such as summer horseshoe pits and volleyball.

  2. BUILDING A “NATURAL” PLAYGROUND. The timber harvest opened up a section between the Shire and the play field. A natural playground uses natural materials to create a space where kids can use their imagination to play without the assistance of technology. Jumps, forts, teepees, teeter-totters, and swings can be imagined. The team may be asking for assistance from families to contribute to and help build the natural playground over a work weekend this March.

  3. RELOCATING THE LOW ROPES COURSE. Low ropes, or group initiatives are the teambuilding activities we often do with campers, school groups, families, teens, and adults. Some are “physical” elements (such as a balance beam or a giant spider’s web) while others are more portable and can be pulled out from a box. The team will scatter the elements we have along our extensive trail system that skirts the camp. Thus, a low ropes experience becomes a hike and a guided hike may be interrupted by a low ropes experience. The team will research and build some new elements to complement the ones that we have already. The old location (near the high ropes course) will become a BMX/MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL.

  4. ASSIST WITH TREE PLANTING. The team will assist our forest managers with planting new trees around camp as the last phase of the timber harvest. One section of camp will even include a Christmas tree farm. Over the years, campers and guests will be able to mark the progress of the various species of trees. The ALDER TRAIL will be re-routed somewhat to wend through the newly planted areas.

One team will be spending a week with us in late-January. This team will work on some projects to ready the second team - such as trail work and relocating GAGABALL to a better place closer to the dining hall. The second team will be at Sound View for five weeks starting February 22. With no groups at camp, because of the pandemic, they should get a lot of work done. We will introduce them to you (as we always do) when they arrive.


Giving Tuesday Happens All Around the World!

I find it amazing and wonderful that this day of generosity has taken off all around the world.


Perhaps one thing that helps define humanity is the spirit of generosity and I’m definitely OK with that . Please take some time on #GivingTuesday to help others with your own unique gifts and talent. Thank you for the kindness you show each and every day!

Enjoy (really!!) Saturday work projects with the staff


Join in for "putzing around camp" projects.  During this time of year we go with the flow as the weather is concerned with a mix of outside projects and those in shelters.   Daily projects on the farm always occur to keep our camp critters happy.  Afterwards, enjoy the warm glow of accomplishment and knowing that Sound View has been well taken care of.

Things we do include:

  • splitting/stacking firewood

  • painting

  • pulling blackberries

  • building steps and stoops

  • clearing brush around buildings and campsites.

  • rebuilding fire pits

  • the "natural playground" project

  • burn piles (marshmallows provided)

  • repairs

Kids can pitch in and help or explore.   Bring a lunch or purchase a meal from the dining hall.  


December 5
December 12
December 19

Want to stay overnight?  BOOK A SHIRE CABIN.