Flowers of Sound View
/Flowers are in bloom all around camp right now. They are not only beautiful, they also are an important part of the plant. Flowers help plants reproduce. They often are brightly colored and produce a scent to attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. These pollinators and the plants producing the flowers have a mutualistic relationship. Both the plant and the pollinator benefit from the relationship. The pollinator gets nectar from the flower and in turn (without knowing it) the pollinator spreads pollen to other plants. When a flower has been pollinated it can then turn into seeds that will grow more plants. Different plants have different ways of dispersing their seeds. Some enclose their seeds in sweet and tasty fruit, relying on animals to eat them and drop the seeds somewhere new. Some have seeds that get carried by the wind, like dandelions and maples. Some have seed that stick to an animals fur or in your socks.
Here are some flowers around Sound View right now: