Do you have a chainsaw and are just itching to use it? If you do, we sure could use your help.
Maple, cedar and alder from the 2021 harvest
The two recent timber harvests (2020 and 2021) left us a lot of logs to cut up for firewood. The logs are also very much in the way and we need them gone to reclaim parking spaces and trails.
Folks with chainsaws are needed to cut the logs into firewood sized lengths to be split with the log-splitter. There is way more than we can possibly burn at camp so it would be wonderful if we could sell most of the split wood to folks who could use it.
douglas fir and maple from the 2020 harvest
Needed are …
people with chainsaws, gloves, and dressed for the weather and the task.
folks to run the log splitter
folks to transfer split logs to the camp woodpiles
Camp will provide…
Gas/oil for the chain saws
A knowledgeable board member to supervise folks
A lumberjack lunch for folks helping out
A great price on firewood for those who help on that day.
INTERESTED? Fill out the form below and let us know you will be coming and how many adults/chainsaws you can bring.