Erin Wofford
/Dear Strategic Board of the Olympia Presbytery,
It is hard to imagine the little bit of paradise we all called home for many summers will possibly no longer exist.
My name is Erin Wofford, however during my time at the camp I was known as Erin Higley. I was the Wrangler during the first half of the summers and then kitchen staff, counselor or wherever help was needed for the last half.
I was introduced to the camp as a 19 year old with no real future plans, no self esteem and a struggling walk with God. My first summer I volunteered my time for the last half of camp. When the horse program ended and the horses left I wasn't ready. I fell in love with that place, the staff, and what I could feel thereā¦.Christ. I worked there for three years until I decided to go back to school.
I left Sound View a stronger person. I had a more solid foundation that strengthened my walk with God. I learned how to be a more independent thinker and I learned how to open up and embrace people, life and myself.
Realistically, the amazing people I worked with are who helped me grow and learn and mold me into the person I am today, but without a place for us all to do that growing and worshiping together I would have never met those people. Some of whom I'm still friends with today. I can't imagine where I would be without Sound View.
With today's access to media and technology maybe all the camp needs is a revamp in marketing and to gain new connections. It would be interesting to hear what has been tried. It is incredibly disappointing to think that the only option for Sound View is to close it down. I have seen countless videos online this week, posted by other previous and current staff members telling their story of growth. I sincerely hope you listen to all of us expressing our thoughts about the pending closure of the camp with not only open ears but with open hearts.
Camp Sound View is more than just a camp. It's a little slice of heaven.
Erin Wofford