Margaret Garrity

1.  If we close the camp, we are telling our kids/youth that we do not put a high priority on their feelings, education, fun and opinions.  I have 2 grandsons that have attended Sound View for the past three years.  They are looking forward to Jr. High camp this year.  They are also hoping to become counselors when they are old enough.  I don't want to tell them that the Presbytery doesn't think their needs are important.

2.  There is no better way for children/youth to learn about our Lord.  There are some fantastic pictures on the website of campers reading their Bibles.  Their young faces look so serene and yet eager.  Again, my grandsons came home sharing their new found understanding of what it means to be a Christian and what their responsibilities are as young men of faith. They some wonderful counselor and made some great new friends.

3.   When Buck Creek was sold, the church did not realize any financial gain.  If fact, the contrary was true.  It is my opinion that the same would be true for Sound View.  Although the sight is beautiful, it would take a very specific client to develop it in a productive way.  

4.   I just read an article stating that Sunday School education is becoming obsolete.  If that is true, SV has an even stronger mission to teach, to witness to and to show Christ's love to our youth.  

5.  I know "mission trips" are being substituted for the camp experience.  However, I do not know how we can send young people out to witness to others without us first witnessing to them.  That is accomplished through the fun and warmth of SV camp.

6.  Sound View camp is fun!  The kids make new friends and learn new skills.  Not all children can go to sports camp/many are not skilled enough to attend.  But Sound View is inclusive and everyone enjoys the activities.

I could keep going, but this is becoming too wordy.  Please put our children first.  If we lose the kids, we lose the parents.  If we lose the 30 and 40 years old, there won't be a Presbytery left to fund.

I am giving $$ each month.  Hopefully, if we let our congregations know what dire shape we are in, they too would donate to keep SV up and running.  We could call it "buying shares in the future" or something on that order.  But we can't let a program that is doing so much good disappear.

God bless you,
Margaret J Garrity