Uriah Vanden Bos
/Sound view is a safe haven for young kids to find Jesus in nature by seeing Gods great creation. My brother in law n sister ran SV for 8 years,through the highs n lows and made it a wonderful place to work at and visit. I had the chance to work there with them from time to time and also be able to speak into the lives of the young adults and children. Saw first hand what SV could do for struggling kids and for struggling teens trying to find their place in the world. I have taken so many people to sound view to see show them the amazing historic place of refuge. Been through life and death at sound view, and know that SV still has many many years of hope to offer to lost souls. With the proper help and backing, sound view can and will be a power house once again for the Washington area. I've been pastoring for the past 12 years in the Philippines and sound view comes to my mind daily with wonderful memories,whether in just wearing my hoodies from there and seeing pictures cross my page from years past.. I am definitely on my knees for the future of sound view!
Uriah Vanden Bos