Two Campaigns

It is crazy-hard running a camp in the 21st Century! I need your help.

As regulations change, prices rise, and expectations evolve, we will lean on financial (sustaining) gifts to keep Sound View afloat. It is my sincere goal that in the next few years, we can claim that 10% of our revenue comes from donations - especially monthly giving. A healthy non-profit often requires an even greater percentage - especially if the goal is to serve more people while keeping rates affordable.

To end this year and in the days leading to Giving Tuesday, we aim to do the unusual; running two campaigns at the same time.

One campaign, as detailed in an earlier post, will hopefully encourage new monthly givers for the Sound View Fund. These donations will help with many of the financial obligations that make running camp “crazy-hard”. I really hope that you will be able to make a generous monthly gift.

The other campaign will raise money to repair, refresh, and revamp the high ropes course. A LOT has changed since our course was built in the early 1990s. Not only has technology evolved which renders much of our course obsolete, but the trees have grown (which affects everything). Our program has grown too! We need to be able to run the course year-round with a smaller staff which requires 21st Century changes. From now to Giving Tuesday, I will talk about the ropes course in future posts so you can learn more.

We hope to raise $50,000 to get the course up and running by this spring. Your generous gifts will make this happen.