Keeping a Promise

I had the absolute BEST TIME teaching the ropes course class during the summer of 2021.

That summer, we were running sessions way-differently due to the pandemic, so, for me to jump in was not unexpected.

The high ropes course had its annual inspection in early-2021 after being closed for an entire year during the height of the pandemic. Because of changing regulations, and the difficulty of maintaining a course using growing trees instead of telephone poles, certain elements failed inspection and we had to close the usual “static” course until repairs could be implemented. However, other parts of the course passed (with flying colors) and these included the Giant Swing, Multi-Vine, and the Big Jump - all elements seldom used in previous years.

With this news, I designed a summer ropes course class that was new, exciting, and very different which used the available elements. The class trained the summer campers - some as young as eight - to not only participate but also gave them early skills to facilitate. They learned knots, group belays, “clipping in”, safety checks, and even setting up elements. And, as I mentioned above, I had the BEST TIME observing the growth of each camper as they learned to not only take care of their own safety, but to safeguard others as well.

Still - the campers looked up at the closed static course and asked when it would be open again. They learned and understood why it was closed and I shared my dreams of it reopening with 21st Century upgrades, and I promised them that it would be soon.

I intend to keep that promise - especially after seeing how the ropes course changes kids for the better, particularly when you encourage leadership skills early-on.

We want to raise $50,000 to repair/update the high ropes course in time for the spring season. Already, we have raised $5,000 - or 10% of our goal. Will you please help me keep my promise? THANK YOU in advance for your generous donation!