NEW! Summer Family Camp

This is new. During our three weeks of summer youth camp we are also offering three weeks of summer family camp. This promises to be a perfect family vacation for those wanting that unforgettable summer camp feeling.

Each session starts Sunday afternoon and ends on Friday afternoon. Family campers will be served by a dedicated staff team who will schedule awesome family camp activities. But also, family camp youth will have opportunities to participate in daily activities and evening programs with the overnight campers. AND (yes there’s more) there will be intergenerational activities for the entire camp population such as morning gathering, meals, and campfires.

Plus - adults working with the program director, can volunteer their time helping with special activities, craft, arts, and games. Or possibly, just helping out wherever to relive camp memories.

Families choose their lodging: Shire cabins, forest tent sites, or RV sites. Families can still do camp-cooking for themselves or sign up for some (or all) meals in the dining hall.

Yes - we know that adults may still need to work - so we have decent Internet in various parts of camp. Bring a comfortable chair and get your work done in the cool shade while your kids are being entertained by our creative staff.

This is a six-day program that will certainly be a highlight of your family’s summer. You must sign up for the entire week.