AmeriCorps NCCC Week 1
/The AmeriCorps NCCC Gold 5 team is off to a tremendous start during their first week at camp.
TUESDAY: The team arrived Tuesday afternoon, met the staff team, moved into the blue house, and had a brief and windy tour of Sound View. It is always a pleasure to point out many of the projects accomplished by all of the previous teams.
WEDNESDAY: Starting to get cold - but not unbearable. Breakfast in the dining hall followed by a day of training with Kendra and Sadie. Team members will hopefully have the opportunity to work with kids and families this winter so it is important to for archery, farm, and zip line training.
THURSDAY: Still windy and getting colder. Jim Hall and Aaron Maeda came out to camp to train the team in the camp maintenance shop. A great way to do this was assembling a picnic table using more of the wood salvaged from the floating dock taken apart by the summer AmeriCorps team. Three team members rebuilt the trailhead steps that lead up to Calvinwood to be more adult-friendly. A grilled cheese and soup lunch in the dining hall along with great conversation was nice as well.
FRIDAY: Really cold and staff dealing with preventing freezing pipes. The team kept the shop warm by feeding the woodstove and completed two more picnic tables on their own. We hope to build at least eight for the tent-cabin area.
Next week - MLK Day of Service, more tables, rope holders, chick coop repairs, building the overlook fence, and the teams first “away mission” with the Nisqually Land Trust.