Nola-Gene Byrd

I'm writing our Presbytery tonight as I can not attend tomorrow's meeting. I want let the representatives know our families feeling about the decisions being made over Sound View. It is my hope and the hope of my entire family that prayerful consideration is taken in this matter. I understand our financial state can lead us to make decision we might think is in the best interest of all, however I urge you to consider the future.

In my line of work we struggle with these same issues. How do we provide excellent care to patients on a budget that is being cut. We have discussions and worries as the church does. One thing we are doing in our health system is looking at the bigger mission we are called to do first. Care for our community. We do this first, He will provide. And He has for us in this struggling health care time.

Now, going back to Sound View. We can not cut a vital mission of our church. That is how we need to start looking at this. Our youth and kids need a place like Sound View to get away from this harsh world and all the stresses they are under.

Seeing these children and youth experience camp (as the camp nurse for a week) only reminded me how special our programs really are. My sons have attended my camps from Boy Scouts to another non denominational camp and Sound View.

When ask on their 13 birthday what was the best memory they had in their 13years, they said Sound View. This is real testament to investing in youth. The FUTURE OF OUR CHURCH. Without them we will not have a future.

Nola-Gene Byrd, RN, BSN,CAPA
Parish Nurse