Ron Ebbers and Susan Gallotte

Dear Olympia Presbytery,

We are writing to express to you the deep and lasting impact that Sound View has had on our family.

Over the past ten years both of our children attended Sound View every chance they got.  They are both in their 20's now, but those opportunities included camp sponsored weekend retreats,
all-church and youth group weekend work projects, multiple weeks each summer as campers and LIT's (Leaders In Training) and our son being on staff as a counselor in the summer of 2014.   

At a time when our family was "church shopping" Sound View was their spiritual home.  At camp they formed their faith and built lasting friendships in a place filled with God's love. They had outdoor adventures, learned team skills on the ropes course, developed leadership skills, studied the Bible, sang songs, worked hard and had fun while doing it. Staff provided invaluable role models and a sense of community that strengthened our kids in their everyday life back at home.  We, ourselves, attended culminating events at the end of each summer camp, as well as all-church weekend events and Family Camps.

Our family is part of a larger group that has pledged money each month to keep Sound View's ministry going strong for years to come.  Please do not close this camp.  Instead, we urge you to let the staff and the board of directors continue this important ministry and investigate ways to make it grow. Local churches and youth groups could benefit immensely from using Sound Viewfor their own programs in addition to sending their young people to camp in the summer.

Research shows that attending church camp is a vital component in developing young people for leadership and membership in the greater church family.  Sound View plays this role for hundreds of children, youth, and young adults every year.  Its impact and influence is irreplaceable.  

Thank you for your consideration.
In Christ,
Ron Ebbers and Susan Gallotte